Microlog icon cars counter

Cars Counter

We can guide you

The car counter is a tool that can count cars entering and leaving a parking, both indoors and outdoors.
It is an recommended solution especially for places where people counting is difficult, such as in a retail park.
Microlog car counter systems are the result of years of experience. They are flexible solutions that can meet the technical and economic needs of each customer. In case of difficulty in the wiring of the system, the sensors can be powered with a small photovoltaic panel and they can communicate through a dedicated wireless network or through a 4G router. All collected data is securely stored on our Checkinweb platform, from which they can be visualized up to a 5 minutes detail.
Microlog also designs Parking Guidance systems, which are solutions for driving the cars to the nearest free parking space. The Parking Guidance monitors every single parking space and drive the cars using dedicated led panels. By using this solution it is possible to minimize the time required for parking and fuel consumption, increasing customer satisfaction.

Contact us to find out more


Sensors: infrared barriers, electromagnetic induction coils


  • How many cars are there?
  • How many people per car?
  • Reduction in vehicle emissions by preventing long search times
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Car-park optimisation
Also suitable for:

All mall products

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