Coronavirus Emergency

COVID-19: manual counting and access management
The manual and electronic people counter to contain the infection

Microlog attendance management - manual people counter


To Art. 1 of the Italian DPCM 9 March 2020 (GU Serie Generale n.62 del 09-03-2020) we read the following (original Italian text with English translation below):

1. Allo scopo di contrastare e contenere il diffondersi del virus COVID-19 le misure di cui all’art. 1 del decreto del  Presidente  del Consiglio dei ministri 8 marzo 2020 sono estese all’intero territorio nazionale.
1. In order to counteract and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the measures referred to in art. 1 of the Prime Minister’s decree of 8 March 2020 are extended to the whole national territory.

2. Sull’intero territorio  nazionale  è  vietata  ogni  forma  di assembramento di persone in luoghi pubblici o aperti al pubblico.
2. On the whole national territory any form of gathering of people in public or open to the public places is prohibited.

We know that more and more nations are adopting similar rules. As a consequence, we would like to make our contribution and to propose some electronic and manual people counters: simple-to-use devices, which can help manage access and attendance.

Which solutions?

With manual and electronic people counters, the operator can record each entry or exit in a very simple way: when a person enters (or exits), he/she is counted by pressing the left (or right) button . The device automatically calculates the number of people present.

Microlog produces various models of manual electronic people counters.

  • Basic. The number of people present at the moment is shown on the display. When the maximum number of  people present is reached, the employee can temporarily prevent access to other people.
  • With SD. Same functioning as the basic model but with the possibility of exporting data via SD card.
  • Wireless (also for multiple gates and for traffic light control). The system can control the light of a semaphore: by setting the maximum attendance threshold, the traffic light will turn red when this threshold is reached, then turn green again when it will be possible to host other people again.

All manual people counters:

  • are battery powered;
  • they provide not only the number of people present, but also the total number of people who entered and went out;
  • automatically reset to zero at the end of the day.

For who?

Microlog manual and electronic people counters can be an important help to counteract the spread of the virus by controlling access and gatherings.

They can be a valid tool for security personnel and they can be used in all places still open to the public, such as:

  • supermarkets and hypermarkets;
  • grocery stores;
  • pharmacies;
  • public offices;
  • banks;
  • churches and places of worship;
  • parklands;
  • other shops and other realities in which the public is involved.

Click here to read also about the automatic solutions for managing access and attendance.

Microlog’s activities continue. In the hope that the emergency situation can end as soon as possible, the Microlog Team remains available for every need.

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